Despooking and
Horse Confidence Course
July 1&2, 2023
at Foothills Equestrian Center, Bethlehem, NC

Forward in confidence for all rider​s!
You can have a horse as "broke" and reliable as those the mounted police trust their lives to.
You can develop the same control, obedience and relationship with your horse as mounted patrol officers have with theirs. Learn and use the techniques that enable mounted officers to depend on their mounts in all circumstances. You can have the same level of trust in your horse. Using drill work and obstacles, you will come to understand how your horse thinks and perceives his world. Be your horse's leader in all situations and take your relationship to new levels.
July 1&2 Open to all levels
Contact Us
Clinic fees: $465.00 per horse/rider for 2 day clinic
Stabling $35/night check in, check out 5:00 pm
Dry camping in tent or trailer - free
Please inquire regarding limited electric and water hookups
Payment may be made by check to foothills equestrian center.
USPS mail to: 531 starnes lane, Taylorsville, nc 28681
Please email for more information 828-381-0473 call or text
Foothills Equestrian Center
531 Starnes Lane
Taylorsville, NC 28681